如何在 Sui 上开发智能合约程序

在 Amphitheatre 上运行 Web2 应用程序与 Web3 应用程序有所差异,因此,部署 Sui 智能合约之前,您需要先构建合约,然后,将合约部署到集群内的 DevNet 上,以此查看合约的运行情况。


您可以从 GitHub 存储库 获 取示例的代码。只需运行以下命令以获取本地副本:git clone https://github.com/amphitheatre-app/amp-example-sui

amp-example-sui 应用程序是一个小型示例,正如您所期望的那样。它是一个 Sui 智能合约。

sources/example.move 代码如下所示:

// Copyright (c) Mysten Labs, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

module first_package::example {
    use sui::object::{Self, UID};
    use sui::transfer;
    use sui::tx_context::{Self, TxContext};

    struct Sword has key, store {
        id: UID,
        magic: u64,
        strength: u64,

    struct Forge has key {
        id: UID,
        swords_created: u64,

    /// Module initializer to be executed when this module is published
    fun init(ctx: &mut TxContext) {
        let admin = Forge {
            id: object::new(ctx),
            swords_created: 0,

        // transfer the forge object to the module/package publisher
        transfer::transfer(admin, tx_context::sender(ctx));

    // === Accessors ===

    public fun magic(self: &Sword): u64 {

    public fun strength(self: &Sword): u64 {

    public fun swords_created(self: &Forge): u64 {

    /// Constructor for creating swords
    public fun new_sword(
        forge: &mut Forge,
        magic: u64,
        strength: u64,
        ctx: &mut TxContext,
    ): Sword {
        forge.swords_created = forge.swords_created + 1;
        Sword {
            id: object::new(ctx),
            magic: magic,
            strength: strength,

    // === Tests ===
    #[test_only] use sui::test_scenario as ts;

    #[test_only] const ADMIN: address = @0xAD;
    #[test_only] const ALICE: address = @0xA;
    #[test_only] const BOB: address = @0xB;

    public fun test_module_init() {
        let ts = ts::begin(@0x0);

        // first transaction to emulate module initialization.
            ts::next_tx(&mut ts, ADMIN);
            init(ts::ctx(&mut ts));

        // second transaction to check if the forge has been created
        // and has initial value of zero swords created
            ts::next_tx(&mut ts, ADMIN);

            // extract the Forge object
            let forge: Forge = ts::take_from_sender(&ts);

            // verify number of created swords
            assert!(swords_created(&forge) == 0, 1);

            // return the Forge object to the object pool
            ts::return_to_sender(&ts, forge);


    fun test_sword_transactions() {
        let ts = ts::begin(@0x0);

        // first transaction to emulate module initialization
            ts::next_tx(&mut ts, ADMIN);
            init(ts::ctx(&mut ts));

        // second transaction executed by admin to create the sword
            ts::next_tx(&mut ts, ADMIN);
            let forge: Forge = ts::take_from_sender(&ts);
            // create the sword and transfer it to the initial owner
            let sword = new_sword(&mut forge, 42, 7, ts::ctx(&mut ts));
            transfer::public_transfer(sword, ALICE);
            ts::return_to_sender(&ts, forge);

        // third transaction executed by the initial sword owner
            ts::next_tx(&mut ts, ALICE);
            // extract the sword owned by the initial owner
            let sword: Sword = ts::take_from_sender(&ts);
            // transfer the sword to the final owner
            transfer::public_transfer(sword, BOB);

        // fourth transaction executed by the final sword owner
            ts::next_tx(&mut ts, BOB);
            // extract the sword owned by the final owner
            let sword: Sword = ts::take_from_sender(&ts);
            // verify that the sword has expected properties
            assert!(magic(&sword) == 42 && strength(&sword) == 7, 1);
            // return the sword to the object pool (it cannot be dropped)
            ts::return_to_sender(&ts, sword)



与大多数 Sui 应用程序一样,简单的 sui move build 将创建一个可运行的二进制文件。因此, 原始应用程序可以正常运行。现在,将其打包以供 Amphitheatre 使用。

安装 Amphitheatre

我们已准备好开始使用 Amphitheatre,并且这意味着我们需要 amp,这是用于管理 Amphitheatre 上应用程序的 CLI 应用程序。如果您已经安装了它,请继续。如果没有,请 跳转到 我们的安装指南

在 .amp.toml 中

.amp.toml 文件现在包含用于部署您的 Character 的默认配置。如果我们查看 .amp.toml 文件,可以在其中看到:

name = "amp-example-sui"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "v1"
description = "A simple Sui example app"
readme = "README.md"
homepage = "https://github.com/amphitheatre-app/amp-example-sui"
repository = "https://github.com/amphitheatre-app/amp-example-sui"
license = "Apache-2.0"
license-file = "LICENSE"
keywords = ["example", "sui", "getting-started"]
categories = ["example"]

builder = "ghcr.io/amp-buildpacks/move-builder"

sui = { version = "stable", registry = "catalog" }

# BP_SUI_DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEY = "<Your-Deploy-Private-Key>"

如果该文件存在,amp 命令将始终引用当前目录中的此文件,特别是开始时的 Character 名称值。该名称将用于标识 Character 到 Amphitheatre 平台。文件的其余部分包含部署 Character 时要应用的设置。

有关更多选项,请参阅 move-builder 文档

部署到 Amphitheatre

要部署您的 Character,请运行:

amp run

这将查找我们的 .amp.toml 文件,并从中获取 Character 名称 amp-example-sui。然 后,amp 将开始部署 Character 到 Amphitheatre 平台。amp 将在完成时返回到命令