Create a new Amphitheatre character in an existing directory

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amp init [options]


    --assume-yes <ASSUME_YES>  If true, amp will skip yes/no confirmation from the user [default: true] [possible values: true, false]
-f, --filename <FILENAME>      File to write generated manifests to [default: .amp.toml]
    --force                    Force the generation of the Amphitheatre character
    --name <NAME>              Set the character name. Defaults to the directory name

Use "amp options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands).

Environment vars

  • AMP_ASSUME_YES (same as --assume-yes)
  • AMP_FILENAME (same as --filename)
  • AMP_FORCE (same as --force)
  • AMP_NAME (same as --name)