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Run a Static Website

Learn how to deploy a static site on Amphitheatre

Getting an application running on Amphitheatre is essentially working out how to package it as a deployable image. Once packaged it can be deployed to the Amphitheatre platform.

To be fair, a static site isn’t an app. So we’re really talking about deploying an app to serve some static content.

In this demonstration, we’ll use goStatic, a tiny web server written in Go that lets us serve static files with very little configuration. We’ll provide a Dockerfile and our content for Amphitheatre to transmogrify into a web server running in a VM.

The Example Application

You can get the code for the example from the GitHub repository. Just git clone to get a local copy.

Alternatively, you can create all the files manually as you work through this guide.

Putting the app together

At this point, if you have a local clone of the amp-example-static repository, you could go ahead and run amp run from its root directory and get the static site deployed without further ado. But that wouldn’t be very illuminating. Let’s go through what’s included in the example repository and why.

If you cloned the repository, your new app already has its own directory. Otherwise, create one. This isn’t just for tidiness, or for letting amp detect your app by the .amp.toml in the working directory (although these are good reasons). It also ensures that no extra files get included in the build context when the Docker image gets built.

We’ll do everything from within this directory:

cd amp-example-static

The Site

Our example will be a simple static site. That can be as trivial as a single index.html file. Let’s make it only slightly more complicated by writing two html files and having them link to each other.

Put these html files into a subdirectory of their own, called public. Files in this directory are the ones our goStatic server will serve. Create the amp-example-static/public directory if needed.

Here’s index.html, which is the landing page:

      Hello from Amphitheatre
    <h1>Hello from Amphitheatre with a static web site</h1>
      <p>Or <a href="goodbye.html">goodbye.</a></p>

Here’s goodbye.html.

      Still Hello from Amphitheatre
    <h1>You say goodbye</h1>
      <p>But I say <a href="index.html">hello.</a></p>

The Dockerfile

goStatic is designed to run in a container, and the image is available at Docker Hub. This is super convenient for us, because Amphitheatre apps need container images too!

We can use the goStatic image as a base image. We just have to copy our site’s files to /srv/http/ in the image.

Here’s our Dockerfile to do that:

FROM pierrezemb/gostatic
COPY ./public/ /srv/http/

The Dockerfile should be placed in the working directory (here, amp-example-static).

Install Amphitheatre

We are ready to start working with Amphitheatre and that means we need amp, our CLI app for managing apps on Amphitheatre. If you've already installed it, carry on. If not, hop over to our installation guide.

Initialize the Character

To launch an app on Amphitheatre, run amp init in the directory with your source code. This will create and configure a Character for you by inspecting your source code, then prompt you to deploy.

$ amp init

Scanning source code
 Detected a Dockerfile app
Wrote config file .amp.toml
Your Character is ready. run with `amp run`

First, this command scans your source code to determine how to build a deployment image as well as identify any other configuration your app needs, such as secrets and exposed ports.

After your source code is scanned and the results are printed, amp creates a Character for you and writes your configuration to a .amp.toml file. You'll then be prompted to build and deploy your character. Once complete, your app will be running on Amphitheatre.

Inside .amp.toml

The .amp.toml file now contains a default configuration for deploying your Character. If we look at the .amp.toml file we can see it in there:

name = "amp-example-static"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = ["Eguo Wang <>"]
edition = "v1"
description = "A static website"
readme = ""
homepage = ""
repository = ""
license = "Apache-2.0"
license-file = "LICENSE"
keywords = ["example", "static", "getting-started"]
categories = ["example"]

dockerfile = "Dockerfile"

The amp command will always refer to this file in the current directory if it exists, specifically for the Character name value at the start. That name will be used to identify the Character to the Amphitheatre platform. The rest of the file contains settings to be applied to the Character when it deploys.

Deploying to Amphitheatre

To deploy your Character, just run:

amp run

This will lookup our .amp.toml file, and get the Character name amp-example-static from there. Then amp will start the process of deploying our Character to the Amphitheatre platform. amp will return you to the command line when it's done.

Arrived at Destination

You have successfully built, deployed your static site on Amphitheatre.