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Installing API Server

Installing the Amphitheatre API Server with Helm on a Kubernetes cluster.

You can deploy Amphitheatre API Server on Kubernetes via helm to make it highly available. In this way, if one of the nodes on which Amphitheatre API Server is running becomes unavailable, users do not experience interruptions of service.


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.9.0+
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure
  • ReadWriteMany volumes for deployment scaling

Add Repository

Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:

  helm repo add amphitheatre


To install the chart with the release name amp:

  helm install amp amphitheatre/amphitheatre --create-namespace --namespace=amp-system

The command deploys Amphitheatre API Server on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.


Metrics Server is a crucial component in Kubernetes for monitoring container resource usage and serves as a prerequisite dependency for the Stats feature in the Amphitheatre project. In the Helm Chart, the metrics-server.enabled parameter defaults to true, ensuring Metrics Server is automatically installed during the Amphitheatre installation.

However, if your cluster already has a global Metrics Server running and you wish to avoid redundant installation, you can disable the installation of Metrics Server by setting the --set metrics-server.enabled=false parameter when installing Amphitheatre.


When deployed in clusters with multiple nodes, PVCs created by amp-controllers require the access_modes to be ["ReadWriteMany"], so you need to set persistence.storageClass to a StorageClass that supports this mode, e.g. --set persistence.storageClass=standard, and --set persistence.accessMode=ReadWriteMany.

Please set storageClass and accessMode correctly, otherwise it will not work properly.

If your Kubernetes cluster doesn't provide a suitable StorageClass, you can try the Dynamic NFS Volume Provisioner.


If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo amphitheatre to see the charts.

To upgrade the chart with the release name amp:

  helm upgrade amp amphitheatre/amphitheatre --create-namespace --namespace=amp-system


  helm delete amp

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.


When successfully installed, you still need to do some initial configuration work, the details of which can be found in the Initialize Amphitheatre in your infrastructure.


If you have any trouble installing Amphitheatre API Server, look for the error message in the Troubleshooting FAQ.

See the Amphitheatre official Helm charts repository for more information.