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Multi-Component Applications

Learn how to deploy multi-component applications on Amphitheatre


A multi-component application refers to an application system composed of multiple interrelated components or modules that work together. These components may include different applications, services, middleware, and other relevant modules that collaborate to achieve the complete functionality of the application.

In software development, there are several common organizational approaches (see below), and Amphitheatre supports these forms by specifying partners. These forms can be combined, for example, in the same project, there may be dependencies on both database middleware and another microservice interface. These dependencies may be on a Git repository or may already be provided in an official registry, as explained in the Partner Definition document.


All related code, projects, and components are stored in a single version control repository. For example, frontend and backend projects, different applications, etc., are located in the same project directory for easy code sharing and unified version management.

This can be supported by Specifying path partners as shown below:

hello_utils = { path = "hello_utils" }


Different components, services, or modules are stored in their respective independent version control repositories. In microservices architecture, each microservice has its own repository, allowing independent development, testing, and deployment, with communication through network protocols.

This can be supported by Specifying partners from git repositories as shown below:

bar = { repo = "", branch = "next" }


Components have dependencies on each other, where one component may require functionality or services provided by another component to accomplish specific tasks. For example, the WordPress blog program depends on middleware software such as MySQL and Redis to implement data storage and caching functionality.

This can be supported by specifying partners from a registry as shown below:

# `mysql` partner from the `catalog` registry.
mysql = { version = "8.0", registry = "catalog" }

# `my-storage-service` partner from the `hub` registry.
my-storage-service = { version = "v1", registry = "hub" }

The Example Application

Bank of Anthos is an HTTP-based web application example that simulates a bank's payment processing network, allowing users to create artificial bank accounts and complete transactions.

Service Architecture

frontendPythonExposes an HTTP server to serve the website. Includes login page, registration page, and homepage.
ledger-writerJavaAccepts and validates incoming transactions before writing them to the ledger.
balance-readerJavaProvides an efficient read cache of user balances, such as from ledger-db.
transaction-historyJavaProvides an efficient read cache of past transactions, such as from ledger-db.
ledger-dbPostgreSQLLedger for all transactions. Pre-populated with options for demonstration users.
user-servicePythonManages user accounts and authentication. Signs JWTs for authentication by other services.
contactsPythonStores a list of other accounts associated with the user. Used for dropdown menus in "send payment" and "deposit" forms.
accounts-dbPostgreSQLDatabase for user accounts and related data. Pre-populated with options for demonstration users.
loadgeneratorPython/LocustConstantly sends simulated user requests to the frontend. Periodically creates new accounts and simulates transactions between them.

Monorepo Version

The monorepo version has a simple manifest definition. Each service is defined as a character, and their dependencies are specified in the main manifest using the Specified path partners method:

name = "frontend"

userservice = { path = "userservice.amp.toml" }
contacts = { path = "contacts.amp.toml" }
ledgerwriter = { path = "ledgerwriter.amp.toml" }
balancereader = { path = "balancereader.amp.toml" }
transactionhistory = { path = "transactionhistory.amp.toml" }

The manifest definition for userservice is as follows. The definitions for the other backend services are similar, and their details are not repeated here.

name = "userservice"

postgres = { version = "16.1", registry = "catalog" }

It is important to note the ledgerwriter application, which, in addition to depending on postgres like userservice, also depends on another balancereader service:

name = "ledgerwriter"

balancereader = { path = "balancereader.amp.toml" }
postgres = { version = "16.1", registry = "catalog" }

When building on the server side, Amphitheatre automatically resolves these dependency relationships into a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), preventing issues of redundant building or deployment of a certain dependency.

Multi-Repo Version

This version modifies the original Bank of Anthos to a multi-repository microservices design, demonstrating how to integrate with Amphitheatre's "specify partners from git repositories" feature.

The manifest definition for the frontend application frontend is as follows. It depends on several backend services such as userservice, contacts, ledgerwriter, balancereader, transactionhistory, etc., all introduced as dependencies through remote git repositories.

name = "frontend"

userservice = { repo = "" }
contacts = { repo = "" }
ledgerwriter = { repo = "" }
balancereader = { repo = "" }
transactionhistory = { repo = "" }

The manifest definitions for these backend services are placed in the root directory of their respective repositories, following the standard convention of naming the character manifest as .amp.toml. This allows the Amphitheatre server to recognize this default name during parsing.

Additionally, unlike the "Monorepo" version, the manifest definition for ledgerwriter needs to be changed from Specifying path partners to Specifying partners from git repositories.

name = "ledgerwriter"

balancereader = { repo = "" }
postgres = { version = "16.1", registry = "catalog" }

Deploying to Amphitheatre

For the monorepo version, execute the command in its project root directory. If it's an example application of the multi-repo microservices version, please navigate to the specific microservice's project directory (such as frontend):

amp run

This will search for the .amp.toml file in this project's root directory, and amp will start deploying frontend and its dependencies to the Amphitheatre platform.